We asked audiences for feedback about how effective they thought the presentations they had attended were.
Watch this video, the results will alarm you!
When you see results like these you really do have to think about changing how you present and what you present so that you are more effective.
thought the presenter
didn't understand
their needs
said presenters read
the presentation and
had little eye contact
thought the presenter
wasn't persuasive
or engaging
said they weren't
moved to take action
by the presentation
Do you know the golden rule of presenting?
The presentation isn't about you. Shocking isn't it? It's all about the audience! It's not about your slides, what you want to say or the way you want to say it. It's about giving the audience a clear understanding of what you offer in a way they will understand so they can confidently buy your idea or service.
Now you know the golden rule of presenting it's your turn to make it look like child's play.
Go wow them baby!
Data kindly supplied by Michelle Bowden Enterprises. You can find more valuable information in her book How to Present.
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