When you get the chance to stand in front of an investor, you definitely need the WOW factor to impress them. After all, it's not just your innovative 'gap in the market' idea that they are looking to invest in; it's you, and your business.
Adding passion, power and persuasion to your next pitch opportunity can make the world of difference to your end result.
Read on to find out more, or watch the video below for more information.
Today I’m going to talk to you about the three P’s needed to give a successful presentation - passion, power and persuasion.
Yes, you need a good pitch deck but the skill of presenting and being able to give your audience goose bumps will create a stronger bond than any facts or figures you can show them.
Let’s get started on a few simple ways you can add that WOW factor to your presentation.
You've come up with a great idea and taken it to the stage, and now you are looking for investors.
That means you may already be using the three Ps and not realise it.
So let's dig in and find out about the three Ps because you are going to need them in spades!
Your passion is the most likely reason you started your business - it's the passion you have for that 'gap in the market' product or service you've created. It's the obsession you have for your idea.
If you are like me, it most likely keeps you up at night as the wheels in your head keep spinning while you map out a plan and look for the next opportunity.
Including the story of why you started your business in your pitch deck is an excellent idea. Let investors know how you came up with your idea and how your passion got you to this point. Explain why your desire for success pushes you to wake up every day to do what you're doing.
Humans are hardwired to enjoy stories, so tell them naturally and honestly. They won't be able to help themselves and will get enthusiastic about your idea too.
Another way to evoke passion in your presentation is to outline your goals. Prove to investors you are in it for the long run by demonstrating you have a solid plan and vision for the future.
Passion, combined with vision, will make them want to be by your side for the ride.
As you can imagine, you can't write passion into your pitch deck. You have to deliver it with passion. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - practice, practice, practice your presentation. It will honestly do you wonders by making you feel more relaxed when you pitch and let your passion shine through.
Yes, investors love an idea, but they ultimately invest in founders. And by that, I mean they will want to see that you are powerful enough to lead the business and get it through the good times and bad times.
You will need to demonstrate to them that you have the experience to lead the company to the next level.
That means you will need to know your business inside and out. That includes the current market and competitors. Keep a watch on media and make sure you are aware of any stories that are related to your business.
Dropping the latest news into your pitch and showing you are up-to-date is a powerful tool.
Your pitch is the only chance you get to make potential investors believe in you and your idea. To do that you are going to have to be pretty darned persuasive.
You won't be able to persuade somebody who's not interested in what you're saying, so the first thing you have to do when pitching is hook an investor's attention.
Here's a simple trick to use; talk to them about them. Instead of saying ‘we will see significant profits at T2’; you say, ‘YOU will see significant profits at T2’.
Sprinkle that throughout your presentation, and you'll capture their attention straight away. It’s a simple idea but never fails to work.
The most persuasive people use passion to motivate. Just think about the great speeches you’ve heard - Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Winston Churchill.
All these speakers used passion, power and persuasion to engage you in their purpose.
They may have had great speech writers but don’t think they didn’t practice endlessly on their presentation skills beforehand.
Take a leaf from their book and make sure you practice, practice, practice.
Part of a solid plan will be to know your financials inside and out. Knowing how your financials will play out both, with and without an investor’s injection of cash can demonstrate a realistic view of your business.
Speak with precision and don’t make assumptions on numbers. For instance, don’t say “Oh, we turned over about $2 million”. That won’t work. What you need to say is “We turned over $2.2 million last financial year”. Being precise will give you more credibility and give them more confidence in your business.
This may sound a bit odd, but I would also recommend not thanking them for their time. Your time is just as valuable as theirs. Express your appreciation to the audience through your body language during the presentation and your interactions with them afterwards.
And while you are presenting, don't forget to use the other tools which you have up your sleeve - listening, laughing, eye contact and keeping your message strong and clear.
You need to remember that you are there to persuade investors that they need to be part of your great business opportunity. So, finish your presentation with a strong closing statement. Here’s a novel idea, why not end with a statement like; ‘when can we start doing business together?’ It certainly sounds more powerful than ending with 'thank you, do you have any questions’?
No doubt you are going to be practicing your presentation so that you can add passion, power and persuasion for your next opportunity to present to investors.
Don’t forget that your pitch deck also has to have the key points that answer investors questions, otherwise your powerful delivery will leave investors wondering why you left out key points.
Nail your content by downloading my guide from the link in the description. It covers the key points plus tips on how to expand on those points.
get your free pitch deck content guide
If you want a great road map to what the slides you should include in your pitch deck, download my pdf guide. It has the key points investors are looking for and some great tips on how to expand on those points.
Not every pitch opportunity is going to be successful, but don’t forget, you are following your dream so keep on pitching with passion!
So keep on pitching with passion! You are just one pitch away from success!
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