You only get one chance to present your business to potential investors. If your presentation doesn't answer the key points investors need (and want) to know about your venture then your chances of getting that investor on board will be slim to none.

An investor presentation needs to be crystal clear and look professional. After all, you are asking someone to invest a sizeable amount of money into your venture so you need to look like you are successful, you need to look like a leader in your market and you need the presentation to be on brand, for your brand.


An investor will expect you to present with confidence and be able to answer questions clearly about all aspects of your business. Being passionate about your business is non-negotiable, knowing the market you're in and your numbers will build confidence in potential investors - and confidence in your business will get them across the line.

Did you know that a whopping 50% of investor presentations are missing key information. If presenters can provide the essential information investors are looking for, they will be well on the road to success and get a good reception.

Want to know the top things that shouldn't be missed in an investor presentation? Then you should download our FREE Step-by-Step Guide.

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